Fire Safety Course

In this course you will be shown the effects of fire in the workplace and will also discover the responsibilities that both you and your employer have.

About the course

Every year, the fire service attends hundreds of thousands of fires around the UK. While a considerable number of these are domestic fires, a significant number are fires that start in the workplace.

The most obvious danger from fire is the risk of sustaining burns, but fire also causes many other threats to safety that may not be immediately apparent.

Following the introduction of the new Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005 all companies are obliged to ensure that employees receive adequate training in fire safety on a yearly basis, as well as having a full risk assessment carried out on their premises.

This course allows companies to keep employees aware of all the key information regarding fire safety in the workplace. On completion candidates will have a clear understanding of fire safety in the context of their work environment.

If you’re in charge of fire risk assessments or overseeing evacuation procedures, this course is a good starting point but you may need further training including any equipment specific practical training.

Purchase this course for £9 (+ VAT)

What you'll receive after completing the course

After successful completion of the final test you will receive your certification straight to your inbox.

There are so many Fire Safety training courses out there, why should I choose this one?

You’re right, there are masses of other training courses on Fire Safety, ours is different because it’s been developed by health and safety experts and is monitored for quality content and kept up to date by RoSPA.

Once you complete this course you will:
  • Understand how fires start - The Fire Triangle
  • Understand the stages & types of fires and how they spread
  • Be equipped to prevent fire through effective risk assessments and hazard spotting
  • Be able to identify and correctly interpret fire safety signs and signals
  • Know what to do in the event of a fire
  • Have the ability to identify and select the correct fire extinguisher for the type of fire
  • Be able to refresh your knowledge as required
  • Be well informed and equipped to keep you and others safe

Course overview

Here’s what we’ll be covering in each lesson (each lesson is a maximum of 7 mins long, making it easy to quickly make fantastic progress, even if you only have a small amount of time each day).

Lesson 01 - Introduction
  • The course kicks off here, you’ll learn about the effects of fire in the workplace and your responsibilities
Lesson 02 - What is Fire?
  • Lesson 2 begins with the fire triangle
  • Moves on to look at the stages and types of fire,
  • How it spreads and finally, the risks
Lesson 03- Preventing Fire
  • Lesson 3 begins with risk assessment and hazard spotting
  • End ends with safe housekeeping and fire safety signs
Lesson 04- In the Event of a Fire
  • Lesson 4 begins with some fire scenarios to explore
  • And ends with what should happen and some fire safety tips
Lesson 05- Fire Fighting Equipment
  • Lesson 5 starts with a look at fire extinguishers and how to select & use them
  • And ends with a brief look at other fire fighting equipment
Final Test

Complete the final test to prove your knowledge.

(We understand that not everyone will pass the course the first time. If you don’t pass the course on your first attempt, don’t worry, you’ll be able to retake the course free of charge up to 6 times.)

This Fire Safety training course is right for you if...

  • You are employed in the UK
  • You’ve just started a new job or need a refresher of Fire Safety awareness
  • You work in any environment, this course is designed for all work environments

Enrol now and you'll instantly receive:

  • 5 sharply focused lessons delivering a good, quality awareness of the subject.
  • Unlimited access to the course. Take the course wherever and whenever you like.
  • Certificate on completion.
Course Extras

Included with this course

When you purchase a course from us you’ll also get

Human support icon

Real human support

Although this course is entirely self-paced you’ll get access to our super responsive ‘human’ support team (no help bots here we promise). We’re based in Leeds and we’re on hand to answer any of your questions on the course.

Certificate icon

Immediate certification

Once you complete the course you’ll immediately receive your certification straight to your inbox and it will be stored online should you ever need to download it in the future.

Our Learning Platform

When you purchase this course, you will also get access to our LMS (Learning Management System) making it easy to distribute, track and manage your people’s learning.

Frequently asked questions

FAQ's about our ready-made courses.

How secure is your payment process?

All payments are fully secure and handled by Stripe, we don’t store any payment details on our platform.

What happens if I don't pass the course?

We understand that not everyone will pass the course the first time. If you don’t pass the course on your first attempt, don’t worry, you’ll be able to retake the course free of charge up to 6 times (3 times for our Asbestos Awareness Course).

When do I receive my certificate?

Once you complete the course you’ll immediately receive your certification straight to your inbox and it will be stored online should you ever need to download it in the future.

This certificate does not have an expiry date. However, based on industry best practice guidelines, the recommended renewal period will be printed on your certificate.

Can other people use the course I purchased?

No, the course and certificate will be printed with your name and unique identifier. If you want to purchase more licences for your people you can do that and invite them into your account.

Do I need to take the course in a certain time period?

No, you can purchase today and take the course whenever you like. Please bear in mind that as legislation and regulations change and the course will be updated.

What is an LMS?

An LMS is short for 'Learning Management System' or also known a 'Learning Platfom' find out more about the Cloudtrainer LMS.

What do I get when I complete the course?

A few minutes after passing the course you'll receive a notification email that your certificate is ready to download.

Your certificate includes your name, a unique identifier and pass date emailed to you in PDF format.

You’ll be able to save and print the certificate to display in your premises or easily email it over to an employer or company you are working with.

Who approves your courses?

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Can I get a discount on I purchase muliple courses?

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Can you I edit or brand your courses?

We can look at doing this for you please get in touch with us for more information.

Can you create a bespoke course for me or my company or organisation?

Yes, we are experts in creating courses for organisations of all sizes find out more about our course creation services.

I’d like for my employees to take this course - how can I arrange that?

When purchasing simply add the number of licences required for your team. The licences will sit in a pool on your account and be taken on a first come, first served basis (unless you instruct us otherwise, please get in touch for more details).

You’ll then need to invite your employees using the 'Invite Trainees' menu item. Your employees will be sent their individual login details via email and they will log directly into your account to access the licences you purchased for them.

Can I expense this at my company or write it off in my business?

Trainees are often able to get their training reimbursed by their company or write it off as a training expense for their small business. Always best to seek advice from an accountant if you’re unsure.

What if my employees have problems running the course?

Although the course is entirely self-paced you’ll get access to our super responsive ‘human’ support team (no help bots here we promise).

We’re based in Leeds and we’ll be on hand to answer any of your questions or queries on the course.

Still have questions?

Have other questions about a course? Get in touch with our team via

What our cUstomers say
"I’d always been sceptical about online learning but what they have provided delivers so much more than traditional training."

Craig Barker

Marks and Spencer

Do you need a bespoke course?

We can produce a bespoke training course for your organisation.

A women being filmed in front of an orange wall